mrs. yates class

A peek inside our classroom everyday!

A time to reflect. . .

A letter to my students:

Dear Students,

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our year together and to thank you for being incredible!

This year was a year of many firsts! My first year back in the classroom after taking a year off to be an eLearning Coach. The first year that teachers implemented PLC’s.  The first year that I’ve had computers for all of my students to use all the time. (I was out of the classroom last year, remember!?) 😉 The first year where we ditched traditional paper and pencil and went for a digital approach! The first year for proficiency scores instead of traditional grading scales. The first year for Common Core Standards.  The first year for PARCC. The first year with a new administration. The first year with common Formative and Summative assessments.

You were fantastic this year with all of the changes.  Each time I came to you with a “first,” you took it in stride with little complaining or griping.  Sure, we made jokes, had a few laughs, but each time you worked right with me as we were trying to get it right! You were never rude with your comments or negative about the change.  You taught me a great deal about how to take things in stride and become a better teacher.  It is okay to take risks, to try new things.  Sometimes—amazing things happen—far better than what you hoped for.  Sometimes—you fail.  Miserably.  But each time I decided to take a risk-you were there with me. I LOVED that we had a classroom where it was okay to try something new and challenge the way things have “always” been done.  I saw such a transformation in so many of you as you learned to try something new and became rock stars through the process.

I want to applaud you for bringing your “A” game most days.  I really wanted to push you this year.  Some of you struggled with the release of knowledge and learning.  Although you were a little hesitant in the beginning-I watched many of you blossom into incredible learners and problem solvers.  Other teachers have commented to me this year that they can tell who my students are in the room.  They are the ones ready to try something new and don’t let road blocks stop them. (And the ones who stood out as technology leaders!) WOW! Could any higher compliment be paid?

Who needs paper and pencil anymore? When I met so many of you at 8th Grade Orientation, I told you we were going to try to become a digital classroom this year.  Many of you seemed so excited-but I don’t think you really realized what that meant! 😉 At the beginning of the year—you were making screencasts on Google tips.  By the end of the year you were creating multi-media presentations that could challenge many high school students’ abilities.  I have been AMAZED at the transformation in learning you have done.  Many times someone has commented to me, “Mrs. Yates, I didn’t bring any paper to this room.  We never use it.”  To me—that speaks volume of the classroom I was trying to create.  Although the netbooks caused plenty of headaches—overall they let us do things and learn in ways that weren’t possible just a couple years ago.

In closing, I want you to know how much I enjoyed teaching you.  Thank you for being my guinea pigs and letting me try all the news things with you.  Thank you for being understanding when my best laid plans didn’t work out the way I thought they would.  Thank you for trying and always staying positive.  Thank you for letting me teach you.  I have learned so much from you this year! I only wish we had another year together to continue the journey!

Best of luck next year as you enter the doors of high school.  I know you will do great things!! Enjoy your summer!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Yates

Now it is your turn to reflect on the year. . .

Here is a link to a survey I have created.  I hope that you will take time to be thoughtful and reflective about our year together.  This information will help me improve the class for the next group of students that will enter. (Please note–all questions marked with an * are required–the last one is the only optional question.)

You can also answer the questions straight from the embedded form below:

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